Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

TUSD top cuts right approach

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

Tucson Unified School District is cutting seven top jobs and creating four – a step in the right direction by Superintendent Elizabeth Celania-Fagen.

The bloated TUSD bureaucracy long has been seen as untouchable, but if ever trims were needed, it is during the current recession.

Congratulations to Dea Salter and Ross Sheard on their retirements. Salter served TUSD for 44, helping helped oversee elementary schools. Sheard served for 37 years, supervising high schools.

Now three assistant superintendents will be hired, one each for elementary, middle and high schools. A fourth one will oversee government programs and outreach.

TUSD was long overdue for trims at the top, and we expect this sensible streamlining to have good effects not only on the bottom line, but also on district operations.

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