Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘If any of these candidates are chosen, it will be a disaster for our city and our country.’ JazzCruise

Citizen Staff Writer

The story: Tucsonans scrutinize the pasts and credentials of four men who hope to be Tucson’s next police chief.

Your take: None is qualified because all will abide by a City Council policy that enforcing immigration laws is not the responsibility of local police.

Tucson police arrest illegal immigrants if they are suspects in other crimes. But they do not arrest people only for illegal entry. That rankles members of the Tucson Citizen’s online community who say nothing else matters in picking the next chief.

“They are worried more about PR than helping stop one of the biggest problems Arizona and the U.S. face,” wrote BigE50.

Noting that the overarching policy is set by the City Council, Towken1 wrote, “I wonder how many of the City Council are being paid off by the Mexican Government?”

Carb asked, “Does that mean if law enforcement can pick and choose the laws they want to enforce that we as citizens can pick and choose the laws we want to obey?” (No, it doesn’t, Carb.)

There were a few dissenters. “Immigrants are good people. I look forward to these candidates serving our city in a civilized manner, unlike Arpaio up in the Valley,” wrote Fidel.

And The Snake gave a thoughtful explanation, concluding, “Most local law enforcement agencies won’t deviate from their primary mission to arrest individuals who are undocumented and earning an honest living.”

Compiled by MARK KIMBLE




For Monday, March 9

1Anthony Gimino: Opportunity golden for UA this week.

2 Former UA quarterback Tuitama charged with extreme DUI.

3Police chief finalists won’t heavily pursue immigration enforcement.

The big debate:

Tucson’s next police chief

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