Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

New sidewalks, path funded by fed bucks

Citizen Staff Writer

Two Tucson neighborhoods will get new sidewalks thanks to almost $1 million in federal funds coming to southern Arizona.

The money, from the Transportation Enhancement Grant Program, will fund sidewalks in the neighborhood around Flowing Wells Junior High and Wright Elementary and on Pima Street, according to a news release from the Pima Association of Governments, which manages the grants locally.

Near Flowing Wells and Wright, $500,000 will go toward sidewalks as part of the county Safe Routes to School Project.

A half-mile, $433,450 walking path will be build on the north side of Pima Street between Columbus Boulevard and Alvernon Way, the release said.

Statewide the federal grant program will fund $6 million of work on 13 projects. Another $500,000 will go to renovations at the Ajo train depot.



2 Tucson areas get new sidewalks thanks to $1 million federal fund

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