Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Cats may not last long in tourney

Citizen Staff Writer
Wildcat blog

I’ll try to give some perspective. But here’s the reality: Arizona hasn’t won a Pac-10 Conference Tournament title since 2002.

Remember when the Wildcats used to dominate the event? Arizona won four consecutive titles and didn’t apologize for it. It routed teams. Now, UA and its fans are hoping to win one or two games (be realistic) just to have a chance to get in the NCAA Tournament.

The Wildcats open play against Arizona State at noon Thursday in the first round in Los Angeles.

In the Pac-10 tourney overall, UA is 17-7 through the years. Since its last title, it is 5-6, with a second-place finish in 2005. The No. 5 seed, which UA has going in, is 5-10 all-time in the tournament.

The No. 4 seed is 12-10 overall. I like Arizona’s chances on Thursday afternoon. The numbers, however, say the Wildcats most likely won’t have an extended stay in the tournament.

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