Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Letters to the Editor


Paper loses something online – reader for one

I agree with Orval Nemitz (Tuesday letter)! Count me in if we can save this paper.

Where will I find the comics I will be missing? Brenda Starr, Rex Morgan and I have even gotten interested in Spiderman. No other papers carry these.

Your columnists far exceed the information in the “other paper.” Much less biased, too.

There was an article recently about someone attempting to purchase the paper; what is happening with that?

To say we can find the info online is a pile of doo-doo. Who can sit at this small screen and glance at different headlines?

The entire page cannot be shown, so there will be a lot of scrolling down. I am not willing to do that. I want a paper I can read while having my coffee.

Any paper that ceases to print and only goes to online will not have me for a customer. To have ads popping up when I am trying to read an article will lose me immediately.

Help, you investors out there. A newspaper that has been printing as long as this one must have something important to say. Let’s keep it printing.

Vonda Singleton

retired business owner

Green Valley

Surely, IRS will forgive this taxing situation

Dear IRS,

I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to pay taxes owed April 15, but all is not lost.

I have paid these taxes: accounts receivable tax; building permit tax; CDL tax; cigarette tax; corporate income tax; dog license tax; federal income tax; unemployment tax; gasoline tax; hunting license tax; fishing license tax; waterfowl stamp tax; inheritance tax; inventory tax; liquor tax; luxury tax; Medicare tax; city, school and county property tax (up 3.3 percent over the past four years); real estate tax; Social Security tax; road usage tax, toll road tax; state and city sales tax; recreational vehicle tax; state franchise tax; state unemployment tax; telephone federal excise tax; telephone federal, state and local surcharge tax; telephone minimum usage surcharge tax; telephone state and local tax; utility tax; vehicle license registration tax; capitol gains tax; lease severance tax; oil and gas assessment tax; Colorado property tax; and many more that I can’t recall but I have run out of space and money.

When you do not receive my check April 15, just know it is an honest mistake.

Please treat me the same way you treated Congressmen Charles Rangel , Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and ex-Congressman Tom Daschle and, of course, your boss Timothy Geithner. No penalties and no interest.

P.S. I will make at least a partial payment as soon as I get my stimulus check.

D.J. Sobey

Oro Valley

Citizen departure like losing a valued friend

I wish you didn’t have to go. I will miss you immensely.

I’ve been suffering medical problems since I quit drinking three years, four months and two days ago.

You printed five of my letters last year and even inadvertently had one of my poems in a picture on the front page.

You helped me get my self-esteem and worth back. I can’t thank you enough.

My thanks to the family who has dependably delivered our Citizen for the last few years.

My thanks to the Citizen and its staff for being there for me and this fine city.

Good luck and God bless in these trying times.


Given a choice, she prefers Star go dark

Say it isn’t so! I don’t know how we can exist without our ever-loving Citizen paper every afternoon.

If any change is necessary, the Star should go. That solid left-wing rag is “bad news.”

TV and radio provide enough “commie talk” without the help of the Star.

We spend the winter in Green Valley and have enjoyed the Citizen for 12-plus years. It’s a wonderful publication, and we’ll miss it very much.

No large city should have only one paper. One-sided views are not enough, (but) also anti-American.

What will happen to all your great writers and hardworking staff? Perhaps they will be hired by The Wall Street Journal.

Have you asked our new president for some money? Why not? He’s very generous with our tax dollars.


Green Valley

Heart grows fonder at thought of absence

I have subscribed to the Citizen since I moved to Tucson in the early ’50s. It is as much a part of my daily routine as eating and sleeping.

My eyesight is poor now, and I can’t read the entire paper, but I can read the headlines.

I appreciate the short, concise articles. I enjoy Argus Hamilton and most of the comics. I solve the JUMBLE and CRYPTOQUIP puzzles while eating lunch.

I do not have Internet access, so I shall have to depend upon television for the news.

Thank you for the many years of news, especially local, and for the dependable carrier service. Your absence will create a huge void in my life.


Family will miss longtime companion

To say that your paper (and mine) will be missed is an understatement! My family has enjoyed the paper since about 1925-26.

It will be greatly missed!


Letters to the Editor

Our Digital Archive

This blog page archives the entire digital archive of the Tucson Citizen from 1993 to 2009. It was gleaned from a database that was not intended to be displayed as a public web archive. Therefore, some of the text in some stories displays a little oddly. Also, this database did not contain any links to photos, so though the archive contains numerous captions for photos, there are no links to any of those photos.

There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

In TucsonCitizen.com Morgue, Part 1, we have preserved the Tucson Citizen newspaper's web archive from 2006 to 2009. To view those stories (all of which are duplicated here) go to Morgue Part 1

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