Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Halt challenges to sanctions law

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

Arizona’s employer sanctions law lets the state suspend or revoke licenses of businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Yet business and contractor groups keep appealing the statute, claiming it’s unconstitutional.

Monday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declined to further review the case, after a three-judge panel of the court already upheld the Arizona law in September.

We hope the Arizona Contractors Association, Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Chicanos Por La Causa will take the hint and stop appealing this statute.

While our nation is overdue for a guest-worker program to let foreigners be employed here, the lack of that program doesn’t excuse businesses that hire illegally on purpose.

That’s how immigrants get exploited and lawful businesses undercut. Stop the appeals. Let the law stand.

Our Opinion

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