Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen


Citizen Staff Writer

Compiled by Antonio Garcia. For information call, 573-4561.

Kristi Amerson, 61, Feb. 21, realtor. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Suzanne C. Barclay, 83, March 6, health care manager. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Ralph E. Barrasso, 88, March 8, motel owner. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Firman Borden, 81, March 8, district manager. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Bertha Borgatta, 86, March 7, salesperson. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Rita F. Borquez, 75, March 9, homemaker. Carrillo’s Tucson Mortuary

Amelia R. Bracamonte, 77, Feb. 20, homemaker. Carrillo’s Tucson Mortuary

Glynn Burkhardt, 83, Feb. 27, mining. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Sarah M. Cardenas, 85, March 10, teacher’s aide. Carrillo’s Tucson Mortuary

Patricia M. Carrier, 75, March 5, real estate agent. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Walter Connor, 75, Feb. 17, farmer. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

David Davis, 55, Feb. 19, welder. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Raymond DeWeerth, 79, Feb. 27, teacher. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Randall Doner, 54, Feb. 20, physician. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Wilfred Fairweather, 87, March 9, auto executive. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

John Fila Sr., 80, Feb. 22, salesman. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Robert Gabriel, 63, Feb. 21, teacher. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

William C. Hansen, 64, Feb. 15, florist. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Opal Hart, 92, Feb. 24, secretary. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Mary M. Hays, 88, March 5, physician assistant. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Phu Khuat, 58, Feb. 25, self-employed. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Margaret S. Kittle, 96, March 7, homemaker. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Bong Lee, 76, Feb. 22, business owner. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

William D. Lee, 66, March 10, purchasing agent. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Teresa R. Lopez, 80, March 7, nurse’s aide. Carrillo’s Tucson Mortuary

Jesse Elijah Loya, infant, March 8, Carrillo’s Tucson Mortuary

Yvonne Meyer, 75, Feb. 27, real estate agent. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Harold Mitnik, 94, Feb. 21, self-employed. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Jose Godinez Navarro, 80, March 2, heavy equipment operator. Carrillo’s Tucson Mortuary

Manuel M. Parra, 78, March 2, custodian. Carrillo’s Tucson Mortuary

Oliver Pauls, 88, Feb. 21, retail salesman. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Becky Peradotto, 58, Feb. 21, waitress. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Gayther Powers, 91, Feb. 28, electrician. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Virginia Reuss, 79, Feb. 14, newspaper editor. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Lorna Rife, 87, Feb. 18, secretary. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Edward A. Roberts, 84, March 5, auto designer. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Mario Salvaterra, 91, March 7, engineer. Adair Funeral Homes Avalon Chapel

Mary Noel Searle, 88, March 7, homemaker. Carrillo’s Tucson Mortuary

Mae F. Shearer, 83, March 9, secretary, Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

William Albert Shinault, 82, March 1, Air Force commissary. Desert Sunset Catalina

Marie Skipton, 68, March 9, nurse’s aide. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Claire Smith, 54, March 6, homemaker. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Lien Smith, 78, Feb. 24, homemaker. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

John Stewart, 84, March 4, safety supervisor. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Kristin Stockton, 38, March 7, occupation unavailable. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Edith Tice, 88, Feb. 27, homemaker. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Beatrice Tracy, 98, March 5, teacher. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Glenn V. White, 71, March 10, salesman. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Andrew Wing, 85, Feb. 28, logger. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Margaret Wilhelmi, 83, Feb. 23, nurse. East Lawn Palms Mortuary

Joseph Zencoe, 95, March 7, county clerk. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Our Digital Archive

This blog page archives the entire digital archive of the Tucson Citizen from 1993 to 2009. It was gleaned from a database that was not intended to be displayed as a public web archive. Therefore, some of the text in some stories displays a little oddly. Also, this database did not contain any links to photos, so though the archive contains numerous captions for photos, there are no links to any of those photos.

There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

In TucsonCitizen.com Morgue, Part 1, we have preserved the Tucson Citizen newspaper's web archive from 2006 to 2009. To view those stories (all of which are duplicated here) go to Morgue Part 1

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