Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘I somehow think these bozos couldn’t get a Saturday morning yard sale ad right.’ native2sierravista

Citizen Staff Writer

The story: The city of Tucson reboots its selection process for a new police chief, and this time the search will be restricted to Tucson Police Department personnel. Part of the problem may have been discrepancies in the way the job was advertised.

Your take: The Citizen’s online community is not surprised that the hiring process has been bumpy, given that, as Bob Bear assumes, it’s being handled by the “Rio Nuevo crew.” Some representative comments:

• “The city government is making Tucson look like some two-bit sideshow attraction along the side of the interstate . . . no wait . . . I take that back. Even ‘The Thing’ advertises better and makes no excuses for taking your money to see a lot of weird crap” – Spirit of Zenger

• “Tucson has become a very confused, disoriented and sad place to live in.” – Dogs of War

• “I commend the desire to promote from within; it’s a desire that I would share were I in their place. However, I have to ask why this wasn’t done initially. After all the resources put forth during the previous effort, why were all those wasted?” – xflbret

• “I’ll take the job – cheap. How difficult could it be to not do much of anything in one of the most crime-ridden cities in the country? I couldn’t make things much worse, and I’ll do it for a lot less money.” – Carl123

• “We need a ‘Sheriff Joe’ before we get annexed into Nogales!” – cher d

• “Want a ball-buster of a police chief? Hire a woman!” – rubysky



The big debate:

Wanted: new police chief



For Thursday, March 12

1Off-duty Tucson police officer killed as bicycle rear-ended.

2Tucson police chief search to start over.

3Two Tucson kids to be honored for their quick action in emergencies.

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There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

In TucsonCitizen.com Morgue, Part 1, we have preserved the Tucson Citizen newspaper's web archive from 2006 to 2009. To view those stories (all of which are duplicated here) go to Morgue Part 1

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