Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: UA loses to ASU for third time this year


These Cats don’t deserve a postseason

Please don’t accept an NIT bid! These guys are beat – like the article said, no passion, no desire, no heart. A 12-point loss in what should have been the biggest game of the year! Just let them crawl away quietly.


The way UA played, it doesn’t deserve to go to the NCAA Tournament. I don’t want them to go, either. Let’s start over from the disaster of the past two years. Get a new coach; he’ll need time to clean up this train wreck. Hopefully a great coach is coming.


I wish Lute was coaching this season because Judkins would be playing, Withey would be playing. We would have recruits maybe . . . but at least those two guys playing, especially Withey to give Hill a break. I think coach Pennell did the best he could for being handed a tough job. But it’s just depressing. All they had to do was win two out of six and all they did was win one. So disappointing.


Bye to Hill. He’s a player. NBA level. Period.

Budinger? Has the skills . . . no apparent heart. Needs his degree. He’ll play some pro ball (volleyball maybe?) and then be done soon. Too bad . . . he has the talent. He needs to hit the books . . . hard . . . this weekend.


Go for Steve Kerr as the fourth coach in four years.

After he gets the ax for running a successful Suns program into the ground, he’ll be looking for another job.


Not NIT bid! Chase and Hill are not NBA ready! Chase has not been consistent all year long.


How about one more year (for Budinger)? Or somehow Arizona gets a lucky break and gets in the NCAA Tournament and Chase goes off and takes us on his back to the Sweet 16. Then he can go.


Got a beef? E-mail: sports@tucsoncitizen.com. Call: 573-4635.

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