Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Make way Sunday for St. Patrick’s parade

Citizen Staff Writer

The Irish, and those who would like to be Irish, will parade through downtown Tucson on Sunday in a wearing of the green to celebrate the Irish heritage.

Streets along the parade route will be closed to motor vehicles from about 10 a.m. to about noon or maybe as late as 1 p.m., said Tucson police traffic Lt. Tom Earley.

The parade starts at 11 a.m.

There are about 60 groups in the parade, made up of some 5,000 people, said John Flanagan, president of the Tucson St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Festival Committee.

Flanagan said he expects the parade to take a little more than an hour to complete its route.

The route:

From South Stone Avenue and 17th Street north on Stone to Congress Street, east to South Fifth Avenue, south on Fifth to East Broadway, west on Broadway to South Sixth Avenue, south on Sixth to East 15th Street, west on 15th to the parade’s starting point at Stone and 17th.

A St. Patrick’s Day festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Armory Park, on South Sixth near East 13th Street.



Make way Sunday for St. Patrick’s Day Parade

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