Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

New rules may limit camping in Rincons

Citizen Staff Writer

A popular camping area on the eastern flank of the Rincon Mountains would be largely off limits under new rules proposed by Coronado National Forest.

The rules – required of all national forests – would forbid dispersed camping within 300 feet of Happy Valley Road, a secluded, tree-lined sanctuary popular with holiday campers and off-road vehicle enthusiasts.

The new rules would designate about 6 miles of new forest roads, reroute about 1 mile and close 1.3 miles, according to a Coronado news release.

Coronado is taking comments on the proposed changes. The forest published its proposed changes Wednesday and will hold an open house from 5 to 7:30 p.m. March 26 at Udall Regional Center, 7200 E. Tanque Verde Road.

Comments can be filed by e-mail at comments-southwestern-coronado@fs.fed.us (put “Travel Management NEPA” in the subject line), by fax at 388-8305 or by telephone at 388-8419.



New rule may limit camping in Rincons

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