Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Stimulus funds for 8 road projects in S. Ariz. OK’d

The Associated Press

The Associated Press

PHOENIX – The state Transportation Board on Friday approved using federal stimulus funding for dozens of highway projects across Arizona, including eight southern Arizona projects.

The state will get $350 million in stimulus money for highway work, and the Transportation Board allocated roughly $130 million of that for Maricopa County, $46 million for Pima County and $175 million for the other 13 counties.

A total of 41 projects statewide were authorized. Those include five in Maricopa County, eight in Pima County and 28 elsewhere.

Pima County work includes widening of state Route 86 near Brawley Wash, freeway signs on Interstate 10 from Valencia Road to Interstate 19 and a new interchange on I-10 at Marsh Station Road.

Other Pima projects include pavement preservation, shoulder widening and bridge deck repairs on Route 86, pavement preservation on I-10 from Rita to Houghton roads and sign replacement on I-19 from Nogales to Milepost 63 near Green Valley.

Tucson Citizen reporter B. Poole contributed to this article.

Stimulus funds for 8 road projects in S. Ariz. approved

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