Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

City may change how it tracks spending

Citizen Staff Writer



Tucson officials may start tracking money by fund instead of by the broad category of “discretionary” in the fiscal year that begins July 2010, according to a report to be presented to the City Council on Tuesday.

The city has used the term “general purpose funds” for 15 years to designate parts of several funds that are not subject to legal restrictions, the document shows.

But shortages in several funds were overlooked because of the practice that “is unique to the City of Tucson.”

The proposed change would make the budget process “more consistent with financial reporting and accounting” and help officials spot funds running deficits, the report states.

In the last fiscal year, four funds – environmental services, self insurance, gas tax and parking – ran combined deficits that totalled $84.7 million, the presentation shows. Golf and water funds also are running deficits this fiscal year, which ends June 30.

Officials proposed plans to rectify each of the shortfalls using techniques such as raising fees, cutting services and restructuring debt.

The city’s savings are also expected to be drawn down to $11.2 million, or less than 3 percent of the general fund spending, at the end of the fiscal year.

Officials earlier said savings equal to 5 percent of the general fund were necessary for the city to get a good interest rate when selling bonds.

Part of Tuesday’s council discussion will involve ways the city can bring in more money. About $5 million in “revenue enhancements” has been included in next fiscal year’s budget.

Among the proposals are a higher utility tax, a 2 percent tax on residential rentals, a $2 per night bed tax and special event licenses for “promoters.”

City may change how it tracks spending


• What: Tucson City Council Meeting

• When: Study session starts at 2:30 p.m. with the regular session to follow at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.

• Where: Council Chamber, 255 W. Alameda St.

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