Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: UA makes NCAA Tournament for 25th straight year


Strength of schedule, quality wins aided Cats

• The Cats have no business being in the tourney this year. They don’t deserve this bid. UA will be one and done.


• How they got in is beyond me, but I’m happy for the team. Let’s hope Chase shows up and the coaches use the bench.


• If you look at the “bubble teams” and with an “open mind” and sort everything out, you will see that Arizona does belong.


• I love the cats as much or more than anyone else (I have the Wildcat logo tattooed on my body), but they don’t deserve to be in this year. I feel bad for teams like San Diego State and Creighton that didn’t make it.


• I feel bad for a couple of teams, but Arizona deserved it as much as Wisconsin. It is a weird thing, but UA can beat any No. 1 seed on any given day, and can lose to any No. 16 seed.


• The new season begins for the Cats on Friday. Let’s get going. Utes will fall first!


• I knew they had the numbers and a better overall body of work than most of the bubble teams.

Was really sweating after (Tennessee’s) J.P. Prince missed that free throw and Mississippi State got the automatic bid in the SEC.


• Gonzaga, Kansas, UCLA, Washington. Those teams are all well seeded in the dance and the Cats beat each of them!


• I knew they were in, quality wins, and a decent strength of schedule. Pac-10 will have a better showing than the Big Ten again.


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