Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Cats should play as if they have nothing to lose


SPORTS SOUND-OFFRe: UA men’s basketball

Someone please tell Dicky V. that his passion for hoops is great and that’s why I am thankful he gives us no respect. One-game season now, guys. Prove him wrong. Build a memory.


So Wildcat Basketball, you have been given the gift of a second chance by the committee. What do you plan to do with it? Will you play like you have nothing to lose as you did during the seven-game win streak? Or will you play to not lose as you did during the last six games?


Arizona beat three conference champions in Washington, Kansas and Gonzaga. In addition they beat the Pac-10 tournament winner in USC. I believe Gonzaga trounced on Saint Mary’s.

Gonzaga plays the big boys. St. Mary’s needs to do the same.


This entrance means we finally have to starting winning on the road. We finally have to start playing defense. We must start playing together.


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