Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Car crashes into light pole, killing Tucson man

Citizen Staff Writer
Law and Order Report



An 18-year-old Tucson man was killed shortly before 1 a.m. Monday when he lost control of his car and slammed into a light pole on Tucson’s South Side, a police spokesman said.

David M. Christle died in the crash, said Sgt. Fabian Pacheco, a Tucson police spokesman.

Traffic detectives determined that Christle was driving a 2004 Chevrolet sedan south on South 11th Avenue at high speed, Pacheco said.

As the car crossed West Irvington Road, Christle lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a light pole at 11th and West Nevada Street, Pacheco said.

Christle was not wearing a seat belt, Pacheco said, adding that if he had been, it might have prevented his death.

A 23-year-old man riding with Christle sustained minor injuries and was treated at a hospital and released later in the morning.

A speed estimate for Christle’s car was not available. Pacheco said the posted speed limit on South 11th Avenue is 25 miles per hour.

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