Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Man dies when his truck slams into hard barrier

Citizen Staff Writer



A man was killed early Tuesday when he lost control of his pickup truck and crashed into a median strip, a road sign, a tree and a concrete barrier, a sheriff’s spokeswoman said.

Killed was Michael Lavern Walton, 56, of the Tucson area, said Deputy Dawn Barkman.

The 8:20 a.m. crash closed South Palo Verde Road between East 29th Street and East 37th Street, Barkman said. The road was opened about 11 a.m.

Walton was heading north on South Alvernon Way when his truck jumped the median where South Palo Verde Road angles into Alvernon, Barkman said.

Walton was found dead in his truck, Barkman said.

Man killed after losing control of pickup is identified

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