Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Man sought in 2 stabbings on E. Side

Citizen Staff Writer



A man who attacked at least two people on the East Side Tuesday morning may be responsible for a third attack that took place between the other two, a Tucson police spokesman said.

Detectives are confident the first and third attacks were done by the same man. They are not certain the second attack was by the same man, said Sgt. Fabian Pacheco.

He said the man is considered armed and dangerous.

In the first attack, a 51-year-old man was stabbed at a bus stop in the 7800 block of East Speedway Boulevard at 5:46 a.m. while he was waiting for a shuttle to his job, Pacheco said.

The victim was taken to a hospital with life-threatening wounds.

The victim is visually impaired and could not give an accurate description of the man.

It was “a blitz-type attack,” Pacheco said.

The next attack came 14 minutes later at 6 a.m., in the 100 block of North Pantano Road, Pacheco said.

A 21-year-old man was walking to work when a man “came over to him and told him to hand over his stuff,” Pacheco said.

The victim ran, followed by the suspect, who tackled him and beat him with his fists, Pacheco said.

The victim was treated at a hospital and released later in the morning, Pacheco said.

The suspect fled in a gray- or silver-colored pickup, he said.

No weapon was seen during the assault, he said.

The third attack ended with a man stabbed in the abdomen by another man who had walked up to the victim and demanded money, Pacheco said.

“He lost a lot of blood,” Pacheco said, adding the victim, whose age was unavailable, was taken to a hospital and is expected to recover.

That attack was in the 6700 block of East Broadway about 8:55 a.m., Pacheco said. It was unclear if the suspect got any cash.

The victim describe his attacker about 5 feet 8, 30 to 40 years old and wearing a black Oakland Raiders sweatshirt or jacket and blue jeans with tears in the legs, Pacheco said.

The weapon used in the attacks has not been found, Pacheco said.

Pacheco asked anyone knowing anything about the attacks to call police at 911 or call the county attorney’s anonymous tipster program at 88-CRIME.

Man sought in 2 stabbings on E. Side

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