Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

A local builder with a big heart

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

The Fox Theatre will be full Sunday evening, but the 1,200 people inside will be watching a television show – and honoring a very special Tucsonan.

John Wesley Miller, a local builder, is hosting a viewing party for “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.”

Miller led an effort to demolish a family’s dilapidated home and replace it with a new one – in seven days. The home is for a family with a daughter who has a rare blood disorder.

The viewing party at the Fox, organized by Miller, will honor the volunteers who worked on the home. But it also is a time to honor Miller. The project wouldn’t have happened without the leadership of this builder with a very big heart.

John Wesley Miller is one of those people who make Tucson so special.

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