Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen


Lee E. Hayden has joined Tucson-based Bellows Consulting as a senior executive and management consultant. Hayden provides public and private sector client services in entrepreneurial and executive leadership, strategic thinking, and organizational change management. He has more than 25 years of broad business experience.

Leslie Shultz-Crist has been named president of San Miguel High School. The mission of the school is to provide a Catholic, college and career preparatory education to students from families of limited means. Shultz-Crist was principal of St. Ambrose School.

The A List gives props to the Tucson business community’s movers and shakers. Send information to alist@tucsoncitizen.com.

Our Digital Archive

This blog page archives the entire digital archive of the Tucson Citizen from 1993 to 2009. It was gleaned from a database that was not intended to be displayed as a public web archive. Therefore, some of the text in some stories displays a little oddly. Also, this database did not contain any links to photos, so though the archive contains numerous captions for photos, there are no links to any of those photos.

There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

In TucsonCitizen.com Morgue, Part 1, we have preserved the Tucson Citizen newspaper's web archive from 2006 to 2009. To view those stories (all of which are duplicated here) go to Morgue Part 1

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