Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Eagles’ Stoglin No. 1

Citizen Staff Writer



Boys Basketball Player of the Year

WHO: Terrell Stoglin, Jr., Santa Rita High School

WHAT HE DID: Stoglin led his team for the third straight season to the Class 4A Division II state championship game.

The 6-foot Stoglin averaged 27.8 points per game this year. Heading into his senior season, he is 953 points from the state’s all time scoring record of 3,002 set by former Phoenix Shadow Mountain High and University of Arizona star Mike Bibby.

If he plays 30 games next year, he would need to average 31.8 points per game to set the mark.

QUOTABLE: “I was happy with how I did this season,” Stoglin said, “but getting to the championship game and losing for a third time is frustrating. We’ll just work even harder and we’ll win it next year. I guarantee it.”

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