Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Sahuaro’s Walls tops list

Citizen Staff Writer



Girls Basketball

Player of the Year

WHO: Ashley Walls, Sr., Sahuaro

WHAT SHE DID: Walls proved to be the best post player in southern Arizona, averaging a double-double on the season.

The 6-foot Walls averaged 12.3 points per game, 10 rebounds, four steals and three blocked shots while leading the Cougars to the Class 4A Division I quarterfinals.

QUOTABLE: “The thing I’ll remember most about this season,” Walls said, “was how much of a family this team was. We were so close and that was the best part.”

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“She played any position we needed her to, and she was one of the best players I’ve ever had the fortune of coaching,” said Sahuaro coach Steve Botkin.

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