Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: UA interim coach Russ Pennell


Giving props to Pennell

He did hold the team together, and did a pretty good job overall. I still am not a fan of him being permanent head coach. We need a high-profile guy to keep the recruits coming and the NCAA bids rolling in.


Thank you to Pennell and the rest of the UA coaching staff for a job well done. Pennell will get what he deserves for his efforts – a job at a Division I college or university where he will have the chance to prove himself with his own recruits.


I have no doubt that Arizona is where it is today because of Russ Pennell. He definitely deserves more than a farewell when this year’s team reaches the end of the “yellow brick road.”


Got a beef? E-mail: sports@tucsoncitizen.com. Call: 573-4635.

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