Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Letters to the Editor


Right paper content . . . is conservative

If ever there were a time and place for a truly conservative newspaper, the time is now and the place is Tucson.

Conservatives have been without a fair voice in the newspaper media in Tucson for several years.

I don’t mean a newspaper that blindly follows and mimics only the most radical, far-right conservative voices, although they are also entitled to have their voices heard.

I mean one that will honestly, fairly, logically and without bias provide an outlet for honest, objective views and opinions of conservatives.

One in which the writers and editorialists have read, studied, analyzed, understand and believe in the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, who believe the United States is “one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all,” and who are not afraid to declare it by promoting the Pledge of Allegiance.

One paper that believes in our nation’s right to sovereignty and the right to protect our borders against invasion or intrusion except by national invitation.

One that believes in limited and efficient government with fair and limited taxes, personal rights to bare arms, and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all our citizens.

A newspaper that believes in the rule of law, in personal responsibility, but promotes reasonable assistance and compassion for those truly unable to help themselves, through government and charitable organizations.

One that has the courage to insist on accountability of our government representatives at all levels, no matter their party or affiliations, and finally, one that will spend the necessary resources to research news, to report news truthfully, honestly and fairly, and one in which the owners, writers or editorialists do not use the media solely to expound their own opinions on either side of issues.

I wish it were not too much to ask. I wonder how other readers feel.

V. Stedronsky

Personal experience bars labeling TPD best

Poor Mr. Mike Hein, the city manager, being naive enough to think the Tucson Police Department is the best in the nation.

The reality is, it would not even make the top five in the state! It is a department that is grossly mismanaged.

Hein and the council want a washrag, a puppet that will adhere to blind obedience, and there are plenty of those in TPD administration, thus accounting for the hiring fiasco.

There is no oversight of the department. Their internal affairs unit is nothing more than a rubber stamp for police misconduct and wrongdoing.

A police auditor in city government has no power or investigative authority and blindly goes along with the rubberstamp internal affairs unit.

TPD has a history of coming up short when it comes to integrity and honesty.

Currently, they are stonewalling on a case involving my sister and her husband, a TPD officer.

TPD claims the case is closed and a civil matter. Forgery is a Class 4 felony. The handwriting analysis was done by a TPD crime lab analyst, who states it isn’t my mother’s signature or writing.

My mother knew nothing about it nor authorized it, discovering it by accident in October 2008.

My sister did it without (my mother’s) knowledge in 2002, three months after my father died, with (my sister’s) husband present, then said in November that maybe my mother doesn’t recognize her signature.

Even with my sister listed as the suspect, and the handwriting evidence turned in, they still refuse to take action, saying the case is closed and a civil matter.

Maybe their detectives lack the training and don’t know the difference between criminal and civil or how to conduct a proper investigation. It should be the priority of the city manager and a new nonwashrag puppet chief to restore honesty and integrity across the board to the department.

Michael “Mike” Edmond

retired police, Army Reserves

Last delivery carries farewell to Citizen

It is incredible that I have to write this farewell note. Yes, since 1975 we have been subscribers, and two of my children were carriers (on bikes!) with occasional help from Mom and Dad.

The Citizen was an anticipated arrival every afternoon it was published. The Citizen was and is a truly Tucson icon.

I just remembered attending the 125-year celebration and open house, receiving a navy blue full-size bandanna with white decoration and Citizen logo.

It will be a sweet memory, framed and honored.

Yes, thanks for the memories. And I have many a clipping of notable columns. (Try that with a computer!)

I am heartbroken and forlorn about the needless shuttering of a historical pillar of Tucson.

Muchas gracias. Vaya con Dios. Rest in honorable peace. May all the staff be blessed in their future endeavors. Carriers, too. Newspapers forever!

Mary E. Cunningham

Thanks for years of enjoyable reading

I have been getting the Tucson Citizen since 2000, when I moved here. I have enjoyed every one of the papers.

I am truly sorry to see that it is closing down. I wish all concerned with the Citizen good luck in whatever they go for. Thank you for your enjoyment.


Letters to the Editor

Our Digital Archive

This blog page archives the entire digital archive of the Tucson Citizen from 1993 to 2009. It was gleaned from a database that was not intended to be displayed as a public web archive. Therefore, some of the text in some stories displays a little oddly. Also, this database did not contain any links to photos, so though the archive contains numerous captions for photos, there are no links to any of those photos.

There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

In TucsonCitizen.com Morgue, Part 1, we have preserved the Tucson Citizen newspaper's web archive from 2006 to 2009. To view those stories (all of which are duplicated here) go to Morgue Part 1

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