Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: UA advances to Sweet 16


Cats could win it all

• This was the weekend that Chase became a man. Cats can win it all. Just need a couple of gumbys to step up.


• ASU experienced what happened to the UA in past, you have one good player and when teams prepare for him and he is outplayed, you can’t win.


• That is soooo SWEEEEEET! CATS roll into sweet 16 . . . make Dickie V. look like an idiot (easy to do, I know, but still fun when it happens) . . . ASU will be at home watching TV (gosh, sounds like their football team . . . didn’t they get to sit home and watch bowl games?) . . . CATS bringing ‘A’ game out at the right time.


• If Pennell doesn’t effectively manage the players with fouls against Louisville, UA has no shot. Let’s rotate some other guys in, instead of waiting until you are forced to.


• Most of the top seeds are playing tight. Louisville is struggling and if we play loose we can beat these guys. It’s a tough matchup but we are doing everything right and need to continue.


• If UA plays smart and stays out of foul trouble it can beat anybody in the nation. How sweet is it that UA fans listened to endless garbage from ASU fans and now we’re the only Pac-10 team left standing?


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