Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Teen pleads guilty to robbery in slaying of Tucson cabdriver

Citizen Staff Writer



A Tucson teenager pleaded guilty Monday to armed robbery in connection with the slaying of a cab driver a year ago.

Jessica Rose Gallegos, 17, was charged with first-degree murder, armed robbery and aggravated robbery in the March 2008 slaying of Timothy R. Royce, 27.

Pima County Superior Court Judge Frank Dawley will sentence Gallegos to prison from three to 12.5 years, as stipulated in the plea agreement, on April 21.

Gallegos was originally charged, as an adult, with first-degree murder, armed robbery and aggravated robbery.

Tucson Yellow Cab driver Timothy R. Royce, 27, was shot to death March 5, 2008, during a suspected robbery in an alley north of East Helen Street and west of North Sixth Avenue.

His cab was found stopped at an angle on Helen, its rear tires on the curb and its front tires on the street.

Also arrested on charges identical to Gallegos’ were Ruben Estevan Archunde, 21, and Marisela Narango Pacheco, 31.

Pacheco is set for an April 14 trial before Dawley, but a continuance is being sought.

Archunde’s case has not yet been set for trial.

Teen pleads to robbery in slaying of Tucson cabdriver

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