Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Tucson man gets 128 years for kidnapping and rape

Citizen Staff Writer



A Tucson man was sentenced Monday to more than 128 years in prison for kidnapping, sexual assault and other crimes related to an illegal criminal enterprise that prosecutors say involved intimidating vulnerable women to do its bidding.

His half brother also was sentenced Monday to nearly 24 years for related crimes.

Pima County Superior Court Judge Gus Aragon sentenced Howard Ned McMonigal III, 36, to a total of 128.75 years.

McMonigal was convicted of five counts each of kidnapping, four counts of sexual assault, three counts of theft and one count each of conducting an illegal enterprise, aggravated assault, illegal possession of a vehicle and possession of meth.

The longest sentences, 15.75 years, were given for kidnapping, sexual assault and aggravated assault convictions.

Aragon also sentenced Ignacio Esteban Rimer, 31, to a total of 23.75 years in prison for one count each of conducting an illegal enterprise, kidnapping, aggravated assault and sexual assault.

McMonigal was acquitted of one count of kidnapping; Rimer was acquitted of two counts of kidnapping.

Deputy County Attorney Kellie Johnson said during trial that McMonigal ran an illegal enterprise out of his mobile home for at least three years starting in 2004 and made a living selling drugs and stolen vehicles.

Tucson man gets 128 years in prison for crime spree

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