Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Tucsonan admits killing fellow Salpointe grad

Citizen Staff Writer



A Tucson man faces up to 18 years in prison in the slaying of his friend, a University of Arizona student.

Joseph Alexander Tylutki, 20, pleaded guilty Monday to second-degree murder in the Nov. 27, 2007, shooting of Vincent Bohlman, 19.

Pima County Superior Court Judge Michael Cruikshank will sentence Tylutki to a stipulated sentence of 10 to 18 years on April 28.

Tylutki, who originally was charged with first-degree murder, told police he shot Bohlman in self-defense, records show, but police suspected the crime scene was staged.

A witness to the killing told officers Bohlman was weaponless, records show.

Marijuana, which was packaged for sale, was found in the victim’s room, police said.

Bohlman was facing unrelated marijuana charges at the time of his death, records show.

Bohlman and Tylutki graduated from Salpointe Catholic High School in 2006, where Bohlman played football, the Citizen previously reported.

Tucson man pleads guilty in slaying of fellow Salpointe grad

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