Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: Coaching duo spurs Wildcats to Sweet 16


Too bad Dunlap, Pennell can’t stay – or can they?

• Mike Dunlap and his staff and the players have turned into a group we can be proud of. Dunlap should be courted to stay. His low key is what is needed to repair some of the problems that have crept into the program. LB

• This is great. We play Louisville with Rick Pitino, who is rumored to be our next coach. The same coach we beat when he was at Kentucky to win the tourney in 1996-97. Are the stars and planets aligning or what? And if you are the athletic director, and UA wins this game, then how awkward do things get? Whatever happens the university must do the current staff right. GREAT PROGNOSTICATOR

• I really wish Livengood would have given Russ Pennell more of a chance. Too bad we can’t keep this entire staff intact. LUTEOLSONFAN1

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