Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘$185.00 for a nice leather handbag may work at Nordstrom but NOT at the street fair. . . . How many $1,200 water fountains can you sell?’ markmann

Citizen Staff Writer

The story: The Fourth Avenue Spring Street Fair drew 300,000 people, but sales may have dropped 20 percent.

Your take: You were divided. No parking and the same old overpriced stuff. Or parking wasn’t an issue and there were some great items for sale.

Speaking for the former was Fidel, who said, “The fair charges ridiculous prices for food, drinks and the other shoddy knickknacks that they sell.”

“This stuff works for the tourists and the snowbirds, but I think the locals would like something a little better,” added truttman.

“Maybe street fairs are just stale already?” wondered Scotty F.

“I TRIED to attend but, alas, where’s the parking?” asked altivo.

Answers came in from 2667: “I took the Sun Tran bus to get there, so no trouble with parking.”

And nanijean: “I parked a few blocks away and walked. No problem there. It was worth it! It was a beautiful day, fun time and we loved it!”

“The place was packed,” added 1967. “The organizer’s estimate has no foundation of facts. No recession there.”

And rubysky said shopping isn’t the only attraction. “Most people I know who have gone to the fair go to people-watch and enjoy the overall activity. If you don’t like it, don’t go.”

Compiled by MARK KIMBLE


The big debate:

Street fair was only fair



For Monday, March 23

1Anthony Gimino: Low-key aide Dunlap plays major role in success.

2Steve Rivera: ‘Unbelievable’ Cats face Louisville in Sweet 16.

3Street fair organizers: Sales may have been off up to 20%.

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