Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Get ride tickets discounts for Pima County Fair

Citizen Staff Writer

Available at Fry’s

Get your 2009 Pima County Fair ride tickets early and you can save.

The fair runs April 16-26 at the Pima County Fairgrounds, 11300 S. Houghton Road, but discounted ride tickets are on sale through April 16 at Fry’s Food Stores, said Launa Rabago, a fair spokeswoman.

You can get 10 rides for $10, a 70 percent discount from regular tickets. The discounted ride tickets can be used only on weekdays.

Admission is $7 for adults, $2 for ages 6 through 10, and free for ages 5 and younger. Parking is $5.

Opening day will be free until 3 p.m. with two cans of unopened food.

Children who read three books and write a report will get a free carnival ride as part of the “Read and Ride” program throughout the fair, Rabago said.

For more information on daily discounts, go to www.pimacountyfair.com.



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