Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Police: As masked men steal, victim has Net pal call cops

Citizen Staff Writer



Three men and a teenager, who police say entered a home Tuesday through an unlocked door and took computers, a TV and jewelry, have been arrested, according to Tucson police Sgt. Fabian Pacheco.

He said the suspects wore masks and one was armed with a shotgun.

One of the victims was online with a friend when the incident took place at around noon and she told him to call police.

The suspects ransacked the apartment, Pacheco said, and fled in a Ford Expedition.

One victim followed the suspects and saw the getaway vehicle.

Officers from Operations Division West stopped the vehicle soon after and the men fled on foot. Police and two K-9 dogs captured the men nearby.

All property from the home in the 1200 block of East Grant Road was recovered, Pacheco said.

The suspects were in the Pima County Jail Tuesday evening awaiting an initial hearing on charges that include armed robbery, kidnapping and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Police: As masked men steal, victim asks for help online

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