Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Readers split over Livengood

The Bounce

Re: UA athletic director Jim Livengood

• Livengood is well thought of in AD circles. He has dealt with adversity well, and in his own mistakes, he has or is in process of correcting them. We could do a lot worse. Our problem is, we were spoiled by Ced Dempsey, the best ever.


• Jim Livengood should not be allowed to serve one day past the end of his contract. He has done more to foul up the Arizona athletic department than any director we’ve ever had. He should have been fired years ago . . . If he wants to keep working, let him go screw up another school. He’s done enough damage here.


• Livengood needed to go yesterday.


Got a beef? E-mail: sports@tucsoncitizen.com. Call: 573-4635.

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