Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Under-the-stars music is Saturday at canyon

Citizen Staff Writer

The annual concert under the stars at Sabino Canyon, 5900 N. Sabino Canyon Road, is Saturday.

Four groups will perform for visitors, including the string band of the U.S. Forest Service, The Fiddlin’ Foresters.

The Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus, along with performers playing Western music and smooth jazz, will share the bill from 5 to 9 p.m.

Donations of $5 a person and $10 for a family will benefit the nonprofit Friends of the Canyon, dedicated to the enhancement of the canyon, said Heidi Schewel, media officer for the Coronado National Forest. Guests can park at no cost in the Sabino Canyon parking lot and walk a quarter mile to the performance stage. Call 749-7720 for more details.



Sabino Canyon under the stars concert is Saturday

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