Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Police seek help to find teen who needs insulin

Citizen Staff Writer



An 18-year-old Tucson man with life-threatening medical problems has been missing for more than 24 hours and Tucson police are asking for help in locating him.

Daniel “Martine” Acosta has been ordered by a judge to live in a group home where he can receive proper care for fragile diabetes, Addison’s disease, mild mental retardation and bipolar disorder, said Mike McIntosh, program coordinator at the group home here.

McIntosh said Acosta got out of a group home van near South Sixth Avenue and Irvington Road at about 3:30 p.m. Monday and hasn’t been seen since.

He had an argument in the van with his roommate and got upset, McIntosh said.

He said Acosta must take insulin four times a day and other medication to keep his symptoms under control.

He could go into a diabetic coma without the insulin, McIntosh said.

Police have been unable to find him.

The youth is 5 feet, 6 inches tall, weighs 168 pounds and has brown eyes and black hair.

McIntosh asked that he be called at 891-4984 if anyone has seen Acosta or knows where he is. Or callers may dial 911.

The group home is at 1531 W. Waterford Drive near Valencia and Interstate 10.

Police need help finding missing man who needs insulin

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