Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘Everyone except the builder’s coming out ahead. Appreciate it, stop the complaining.’ Bike Tucson

Citizen Staff Writer



The story: The free home that “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” built for a family on the Navajo Nation is too cold to live in, and costs too much to heat. Some family members have moved out.

Your take: Not much sympathy (surprise!) from the Citizen’s online community, whose attitude is “You get what you pay for.” Or, as outofstate puts it, “Sometimes, it costs more when it’s free.”

Some representative comments:

• “Would you like some cheese with that whine?” – skooter72

• “Wow, so that dream house wasn’t perfect after all? Thanks for letting us readers know about the problems that follow such a quickly built ‘mansion.’ ” – 2667

• “I saw that episode, and the house they have now is still way better than the trailer they were in. . . . But I do think the companies involved need to take care of, and stand behind their work.” – azmouse

• “I guess no one on ‘Home Makeover’ researched the winter climate of the Navajo Nation. Tucson or Phoenix, it is not. It’s a shame that they leave these people with shoddy construction, to suffer more than they already have.” – fidel

• “You get what you don’t pay for.” – scottyf

• “Haste makes waste.” – f4fixer



For Tuesday, March 24

1 Tucson man gets 128 years in prison for crime spree.

2 Feds: Arizona risks losing $1.6 billion in stimulus funds.

3 Teen gets five years for drive-by shooting that killed 55-year-old man.

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