Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Include all in budget talks

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

Republicans, who hold majorities in both houses of the Legislature, are excluding Democrats in the push to balance the state budget for fiscal 2010.

Excluding members of the minority party may be how politics works. But it’s not the way to develop a budget agreeable to a majority of lawmakers.

Keeping Democrats out of the talks shuts out their ideas. And with the state facing an estimated $3 billion deficit next fiscal year, all ideas – even those from Democrats – are needed.

State Senate President Bob Burns, a Peoria Republican, says he is meeting with a small group of Republicans to negotiate a budget package.

That hasn’t worked in the past. Those shut out of negotiations – Democrats as well as Republicans – often are unwilling to buy into a fait accompli presented to them.

An inclusive budget is a better budget.

Our Opinion

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