Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Scott Reeves Quintet

Citizen Staff Writer

“Shape Shifter” (Miles High Records)

Recorded live at Cecil’s, a jazz club in West Orange, N.J., this gracious collection of elegant performances also has a sly swinging style that’s the perfect accompaniment when what you’re seeking is an extra-dry martini in an extra large glass to accommodate three jumbo olives on a single toothpick. We’re talking corporate 1950s gray flannel suit relief from compressed conformity and all the material expectations that go along with a nice house in the suburbs.

At least, that’s how it sounds to me. Perhaps it’s because so much importance is given to civilized restraint.

Scott Reeves loves the lower brass sound of modified flugelhorns and trombones. He calls his first instrument an alto flugelhorn (played with a modified trombone mouthpiece) and the other an alto valve trombone (which he describes as “a standard valve trombone with one-third of the tubing cut off.” In a Web site photo Reeves is shown with a regular trombone and his alto valve trombone, which does look quite a bit shorter.

But this is no showcase for geeky gimmick instruments. The CD of all-original material written by Reeves is absolutely gimmick-free. The compositions are true to their button-down nature, but fluff up the 1950s image with more modern chords and complex rhythms.

Joining Reeves out front is tenor saxophonist Rich Perry. Be assured there are no piercing, screaming moments here. Only the well-groomed muscularity of straight-ahead jazz.


Tucson Citizen

Scott Reeves Quintet is the real thing

Scott Reeves Quintet

“Shape Shifter” (Miles High Records)

Genre: jazz

Grade: A

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