Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Letters to the Editor


Goddard is fighting real border threats

Last week, Attorney General Terry Goddard testified before Congress about how his office, in coordination with local and federal law enforcement, is fighting the real dangers crossing our southern border: guns, drugs and human smugglers.

Goddard described successful law enforcement techniques employed to combat the cartels, including the seizure of smuggling proceeds sent by wire transfer, a strategy pioneered in Arizona to disable criminal smuggling syndicates.

In the past two years, Goddard, in coordination with local law enforcement, took down a $1 billion drug- smuggling organization, a human-smuggling operation, and a gun-smuggling ring.

You would think people like Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and County Attorney Andrew Thomas would be there to lend a helping hand.

Unfortunately, they are too busy shaking down janitors and street vendors – people just trying to make a living. They’re clogging up the state’s legal system, dragging American citizens into court because of the color of their skin, and wasting huge amounts of money doing it.

Arpaio and Thomas need to wake the hell up.

Public safety isn’t a political game. Attorney General Terry Goddard is leading law enforcement to protect Arizonans from the real threats crossing our border.

Caitlin Jensen


Fowl weather poem lands flock in Tucson

Patricia Zapor’s letter reminded me of a “silly little weather poem” that appeared in the Citizen late in 1970.

“Chew on chicken,

Munch on turkey,

It’s 30 degrees

in Albuquerque.”

I had moved from Chicago to Tucson in September 1970.

In December, my parents were pulling their travel trailer to Tucson for the winter and stopped in New Mexico for Christmas.

I wanted them to be in Tucson for the holiday. Over the phone I read them the “Chew on chicken” poem. Thanks to the Citizen’s weather poem, they realized their folly and pulled in my driveway the next day.

Lee Oler

A salute to those who made America great

On the very eve of your demise, your March 23 edition has two very uplifting articles.

First the letter from V. Stedronsky, so well written. He/she should be your new owner.

Then the article by Don Severe. First I wanted to stand and cheer, then I wanted to sit down and cry.

I was 9 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. I didn’t think about how privileged I was to grow and be with such a marvelous country. Men and women went to war. Families put stars in their windows. We honored our service people, mourned our dead and our wounded. Those at home went to factories and built planes, ships, tanks.

No need to worry about the price of gas, as it was carefully rationed to those who absolutely needed it, as was the rubber for tires. The rest of us walked.

Families were given “ration books” for foods and clothing. Signs like, “Use less sugar and stir like hell, we don’t mind the noise” appeared. Every available inch of a yard was used for a victory garden. No nylons for the ladies. Churches were filled; no one was offended by the mention of God.

The Hollywood stars put on uniforms and went to war or worked for the USO and went on War Bond-selling tours.

It is only as I’ve aged I realize how wondrous and fortunate I was. This generation paid an enormous price for America’s freedom. But we were united.

So your paper is going out in a blaze of glory. I’m saddened to think what might have been. I’d like to thank your sports section. A big thanks to my delivery person who rain or shine put my paper on the porch.

S. M. Beaumont

Letters to the Editor

Our Digital Archive

This blog page archives the entire digital archive of the Tucson Citizen from 1993 to 2009. It was gleaned from a database that was not intended to be displayed as a public web archive. Therefore, some of the text in some stories displays a little oddly. Also, this database did not contain any links to photos, so though the archive contains numerous captions for photos, there are no links to any of those photos.

There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

In TucsonCitizen.com Morgue, Part 1, we have preserved the Tucson Citizen newspaper's web archive from 2006 to 2009. To view those stories (all of which are duplicated here) go to Morgue Part 1

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