Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

4 Tucson students in national design event

Citizen Staff Writer

Four students at a private nonprofit school for disadvantaged youths in Tucson will travel to Washington, D.C., to represent the Southwest in a national student design competition April 27, the School of the Future Design Competition.

The students of Imago Dei Middle School, 639 N. Sixth Ave., won the regional competition with an entry aimed at helping urban planners “find real solutions to the problems of sustainability,” said the Rev. Anne Sawyer, the school’s director, in a news release.

The students consulted with University of Arizona architecture students and ABA Architects, a local firm, supervised their project.

The students designed a community resource center that includes greenhouses for urban agriculture and solar panels, and would use locally available materials.



Tucson students travel to D.C. for national design competition

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