Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Fan impressed by Hill’s character


Re: UA made mountain out of Hill

• This is a great story. I have followed UA basketball for many years and Jordan has become one of my favorites. He will be a great player for many years to come. Many forget to comment that he is a gentleman on the court, a true fundamental player of the game. I was fortunate to play golf with him in a charity event and was even more impressed by his character. CHAZDDS

• Jordan Hill should teach Alex Jacobson a few moves before he leaves to the NBA. MXWILDCAT

• Jordan has made a lot of progress – from having smaller players take the ball away from him near the basket while rebounding to being a monster with the ball. He can make a million by going to the NBA, but if he stayed around for another year, he could easily double his starting salary through his continued improvement becoming possibly the No. 1 pick of the 2010 draft. BOBW31

• Through all the turmoil, you never heard Jordan complain. I love this kid and his game. He should leave and get paid. He deserves it. 4274

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