Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Man hit by Sun Tran bus Saturday dies of injuries

Citizen Staff Writer



A 59-year-old man hit by a Sun Tran bus on Saturday died of his injuries Tuesday at University Medical Center.

Tucson police traffic detectives, who investigated the 3:15 p.m. accident on Broadway just east of Craycroft Road, said Michael L. Lee was not in a crosswalk when he was struck by the bus.

Based on roadway evidence and witness statements, the detectives said, the man was crossing Broadway from south to north and “had already stepped in front of another vehicle and continued to walk out in front of the bus, which was westbound in the bus lane,” according to a TPD news release.

The man was about 100 feet east of the crosswalk when he was struck, they said.

Police said no citations have been issued.

Sun Tran is conducting an investigation that includes drug and alcohol testing on the bus driver, a 38-year-old woman who has worked for Sun Tran for about seven months. Her name has not been released.

The death is the 10th traffic fatality this year in Tucson. By this time last year, 13 people had died in traffic accidents, police said.

Man hit by bus Saturday dies

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