Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Missing man found; in intensive care

Citizen Staff Writer



An 18-year-old Tucson man who had been missing since Monday was found in bad shape earlier this week, said Mike McIntosh, program coordinator at the group home where the young man lives.

Daniel “Martine” Acosta was located Wednesday night at a friend’s house on the Northwest Side, after the friend contacted the home, McIntosh said.

He said Acosta remains in the intensive care unit at University Physicians Hospital where he is recovering from being without his four daily doses of insulin for more than 24 hours.

Acosta fled from a group home van Monday afternoon after he became upset, McIntosh said. The youth got out of the van at a stoplight near South Sixth Avenue and Irvington Road.

In addition to diabetes, which can send him into a coma without his insulin, Acosta suffers from Addison’s disease, mild mental retardation and a bipolar disorder, McIntosh said.

Acosta lives at a group home under a judge’s order so he may receive proper care for his health ailments.

McIntosh apologized for not alerting media earlier that Acosta had been found.

Missing 18-year-old found; in intensive care

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