Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Fans proud of UA for making it to Sweet 16

Citizen Staff Writer



Wildcat fans wearing red and blue packed a local bar and restaurant Friday to watch what turned out to be the end of the Wildcats’ run in the NCAA Tournament, one that took the team further than many had expected.

More than 300 University of Arizona students and family members were at Sam Hughes’ Place Championship Dining, 446 N. Campbell Ave., to cheer on their team.

But UA lost to the Louisville Cardinals 103-64 in a Sweet 16 game in the NCAA Tournament.

“It’s sad to see we lost, but at the same time, I never thought we would even get this far, or that we’d come close to reaching this point, so that was great” said UA senior Joseph Rodriguez.

The 22-year-old was there with his father, Ron Rodriguez, who was visiting from Phoenix as part of parents weekend for Joseph’s fraternity.

“At least we had a good time with friends and it was pretty cool to have our dads here for the game,” Joseph Rodriguez said.

As the second half wound down with UA losing by more than 30 points, many fans left the bar.

Suzette Valenzuela, a UA alumni, and her friends stayed until the end.

She said she was proud of the UA team for making it this far, no matter the outcome.

“I knew before the game that Louisville had a very strong team and unless they didn’t get enough sleep last night, they would be tough to beat,” she said. “But I’m still happy they got to play (Louisville).”

Some fans shook their heads on their way out the door; others shrugged their shoulders when discussing the game with friends.

“We are leaving without a win but at least we can have the victory of getting this far in the tournament,” Joseph Rodriguez said.

‘It’s sad to see we lost but at the same time, I never thought we would even get this far, or that we’d come close to reaching this point, so that was great.’


watching the Cats play Louisville at Sam Hughes’ Place Championship Dining, 446 N. Campbell Ave.

Fans proud of UA for making it to Sweet 16

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