Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

2 men struck by trains, hurt in separate incidents

Citizen Staff Writer



A man was struck by a train downtown Saturday night, the second man to be struck in two days.

Both men survived, but suffered injuries, police said.

The man struck Saturday was hit near South Toole Avenue and East 16th Street just before 10:30 p.m., said Capt. Trisha Tracy, a Tucson Fire Department spokeswoman.

He was taken to a hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening, police said.

The man hit by a train Friday morning had leg injuries, police said.

The man had been walking near West Sixth Street and North Ninth Avenue about 8 a.m. when he was struck, said Sgt. Fabian Pacheco, a Tucson police spokesman.

TFD officials said it can take more than a mile for a train to stop, and advise pedestrians to use “extreme caution” when crossing the tracks, Tracy said.

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