Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Shooting at party leaves woman dead, man injured

Citizen Staff Writer



A Tucson woman is dead and a man is wounded after a Sunday morning shooting during a party at a Northwest Side home, officials said.

Ashley Nicole Fimbrez, 23, was found dead in her home in the 1000 block of West Sea Star Drive just before 5 a.m. of what appeared to be “obvious signs of trauma,” said Deputy Dawn Barkman, a Pima County Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman.

Deputies responding to a call at the residence were talking to a man at the front door of the residence when gunfire erupted inside, Barkman said.

After deputies went inside, they found Fimbrez dead in an upstairs bedroom, she said.

A Tucson man was also found in the room with possible gunshot wounds.

He was taken to a hospital with life-threatening injuries, she said, and remained there Sunday afternoon.

Witnesses at the scene told detectives the man and woman had been in an upstairs bedroom while the party continued downstairs.

The motive for the shooting is unknown and no arrests have been made, Barkman said.

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