Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Boyfriend killed woman, deputy says

Citizen Staff Writer



The woman shot to death at a house party Sunday was killed by her boyfriend, who then turned his gun on himself, a sheriff’s spokeswoman said Monday.

The shooting happened about 5 a.m. as deputies, answering an unknown trouble call to the Northwest Side home, talked with party guests at the couple’s front door, said Deputy Dawn Barkman.

Deputies heard gunshots and entered the house, where they found Ashley Nicole Fimbrez, 23, dead and Roberto Gardea Ruiz, 30, wounded, both in an upstairs bedroom, Barkman said.

Ruiz is hospitalized with a bullet wound to his head; Barkman did not know if he was expected to survive.

The couple shared the home in the 1000 block of West Sea Star Drive, Barkman said.

The motive for the shooting had not been determined.

Deputy: Woman found dead Sunday was shot by boyfriend

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