Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Ex-gymnast running fast for Foothills

Citizen Staff Writer



This track season has been on-the-job training for Catalina Foothills sprinter Monica Ahanonu, a former gymnast.

Ahanonu, a senior competing in track for the first time, captured the girls 100- and 200-meter races in a triangular meet Wednesday afternoon at Pueblo High School, helping Foothills defeat Sunnyside 88-49 and Pueblo (23).

Her winning time in the 100 was 12.54 seconds, and 27.67 seconds in the 200.

They were Ahanonu’s first wins of the season.

“She already has the technique for stretching,” said Catalina Foothills sprint coach Joe Wesley. “We’re trying to get her speed and endurance up. She runs a very good 200 meters.”

Ahanonu said she decided to run track “to keep in shape” while not competing in gymnastics.

In the boys meet, Catalina Foothills defeated Pueblo 78-65 and Sunnyside (34).

Wesley was pleased with their showing in both the boys and girls competition.

“The boys and girls did good, especially the 400 guys and 200 girls and guys,” Wesley said. “We did extremely well.

“They are going to come around by the time of the regional meet. We’re just trying to see where everyone is. Once they get settled in by midseason, we’ll see what their strong events are.”

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