Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

DNA testing leads to arrest in sexual assault at UA in ’07

Citizen Staff Writer



A Tucson man is in Pima County Jail in connection with a sexual assault on a University of Arizona student two years ago.

Deguan Lamar Lee, 38, was arrested about 6 p.m. Monday on charges of sexual assault, aggravated assault, kidnapping and robbery, UA police Cmdr. Kevin Haywood said Wednesday. Lee is being held in lieu of $100,000 bail.

He was arrested at his workplace near East Silverlake and South Mission roads, Haywood said.

The arrest came after a crime scene DNA sample was matched by the state Department of Public Safety to Lee’s sample in a law enforcement database, Haywood said.

Lee had served 11 months of a 1.5-year sentence in an Arizona prison after being convicted in Pima County of endangerment, according to the state Department of Corrections Web site.

In this case, Lee is accused of sexually assaulting and beating a woman in the Manzanita-Mohave Residence Hall on April 12, 2007, when she returned to the dormitory about 2:40 a.m., Haywood said.

It was not clear if the man followed her into the dorm or was already inside before the attack, Haywood said.

The woman’s screams drew others’ attention as she fought off her attacker, who fled with her cell phone before police arrived, Haywood said.

The woman no longer attends UA.

Man arrested in 2007 sexual assault of UA student in dorm

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