Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: Tim Floyd to stay as USC basketball coach


Give Livengood the heave-ho

• No decent coach will take second place – especially after a coach like Floyd dumps us. Athletic director Jim Livengood needs to go. ANOHAWK

• All the passionate and impatient comments aside, most of these searches wind up at the Final Four, behind the scenes, where these guys are more free to talk. I would not be surprised if this doesn’t go on until Tuesday now, when two of the four Final Four coaches could be in the mix. 3829

• Bring Russ Pennell back. At least he has class. CRIMSON COYOTE

• Livengood has had five months to line up a top-shelf coach and he can’t do it. Something is wrong. I think he’s just too cheap to spend the money on an elite coach for an elite program. CROOK

• We are dancing in the aisles! No Floyd. Go IZZO! or FEW or whoever. Thank you Tim Floyd. 3231

• Livengood is an embarrassment. NEVER make a public offer without a sure bet that someone is going to say yes. RUNENFOOL

• According to an ESPN reporter, Tom Izzo will not leave Michigan State for Arizona under any circumstances. Fine, but why isn’t anybody in Tucson or the media mentioning Jamie Dixon of Pitt? Hasn’t Livengood tried to even talk to him? This is disturbing, because you get the feeling he’s not really trying to grab for the top shelf out of fear he may grab some thing big and then have to pay for it. KIKI04

• Folks, this is a blessing. Let’s grab the young and great coach at Baylor (Scott Drew). Listen, people, he is a great coach and knows how to recruit. Give him three to five years and he will surpass Lute. His team was in the NIT Championship against Penn State. Forget about these old prima donnas and famous clowns. Let’s rebuild the program with Drew. He will win a title for UA in less than seven years. JCS

• There is no need to panic. There are plenty of very good coaches out there. Here’s hoping we find him soon. We need to try to find some semblance of order. TW

• This is a nightmare! Our program has gone from the best in the West to a laughing stock. The only good thing about this debacle is that Floyd won’t be our coach and Livengood’s fate is sealed. Hire Josh Pastner! He loves Arizona, has good upside, will work well with Reggie Geary and will come relatively cheap. BMW308428

• I think it would be interesting if Pennell gets a Pac-10 head coaching position, returns to Tucson to soundly beat a UA team with a fancy $2.5 million-a -year coach with no recruits and three players off to the NBA. TFROGGER

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